Category Archives: Motherhood

Ice Cream Social: A Summer Day in the Life with the S Family

Eighteen summers. There was an article floating around this summer posted to many moms’ Facebook pages that reminded moms and dads that the summers we have with our children don’t last forever. Inside of that, there’s something magical in those first summers of parenthood, seeing the excitement in the eyes of your child who is…

Pulling Teeth

To pull, or not to pull. The question asked five hundred times by every child who has ever had a loose tooth. Seriously. There comes a season in childhood where kids are popping out teeth left and right, challenging the most diligent of tooth fairies to keep some singles and loose change stashed in a drawer…

A Day in the Life with Lukas and Annabel

My sister is one of my favorite people on the planet. Among the others are Lukas and Annabel, her two wildly amazing kiddos. Emphasis on the “wild” part. Fortunately for me, I get to spend lots of time with these three, but it was quite a different perspective to follow them around for the morning…