Category Archives: Motherhood

Fresh 48: Baby K

As a nurse with experience in women’s health (including labor and delivery), a love of birth and babies, and a mama of three with an A+ in baby swaddling, photographing brand new babies is a perfect blend of my experience as both a nurse and photographer.  Interested in a hospital session after the birth of…

Three Day Stopover in Iceland: Part 1

We did it.  We took this circus on a European tour.  Yes, it was a lot of work.  Yes, it was a lot of planning.  And yes, it was worth every penny and every ounce of sweat we poured into this epic family adventure.  Family travel is never easy, and never EVER an actual “vacation”…

Just Keep Swimming: A Summer Friday with the S Family

I remember growing up, having a pool, and swimming for hours on end.  Or going to the beach all day and jumping in the pool when we got home.  Swimming until our fingers and toes wrinkled, spending summer days creating and performing synchronized swimming routines with my sister after we were inspired by the Olympics,…