CAYA Retreat in Costa Rica
CAYA = come as you are.
I met Chelsea Fleming, owner of CAYA Retreats, and was immediately drawn to her heart for her work, her energy, and her mama heart as she talked about her two little girls. We were sitting over a cup of coffee and plate of scones while she asked me to travel with her as photographer of CAYA Retreats’ spring equinox retreat in Playa Dominical, Costa Rica. I left the café wanting so badly to go but knowing that arranging the details of kids’ schedules/commitments wouldn’t be easy. That night, I was sitting in bed doing a NYT crossword puzzle and one chain of boxes boldly spelled out COSTA RICA. The next day, Dave was able to arrange to be off while I was gone, so he would be my stand in. Some things are just meant to be. My week with CAYA Retreats in Costa Rica was one of them.
I became a mom the day after I turned 25. Back then, I watched so many of my friends jet off to beautiful places with photo albums full of stories of the most incredible experiences. I so desperately wanted to see them for myself, but with babies and budgets, it was not possible. Then. But here I am at 41, able to go out of my comfort zone and travel by myself to another country to meet up with strangers in an activity (retreat) that I know very little of what to expect. I documented this retreat from the inside, participating as a member of the group and showing the experience from my perspective. And this was an experience that I fell into by accident, but so desperately needed. The friendship, the ease of connection with one another, the beauty of Costa Rican coastline, and engaging in the classes and workshops offered at the retreat, collectively, was balm to my soul. Photographically, it was a dream.
It’s safe to say I will be attending CAYA Retreats in the future, either as photographer or a guest. Chelsea does an incredible job bringing people together for a week of relaxation, recharge, and reset. It was such a beautiful adventure and I’m so thankful for all of it.